Join Instruction Form Five 2023 PDF

Join Instruction Form Five 2023 PDF Check here: Fomu Za Kujiunga Kidato Cha Tano 2023. When preparing to join Form Five, there are several important aspects to consider, such as attire, accommodation, and transportation to your new school. However, one of the crucial elements that will help address these questions is the Form Five Joining Instruction Form.

The Form Five Joining Instruction Form holds significant importance as it provides vital information about your transportation arrangements, the items you need to bring with you, and the necessary steps to follow upon arrival at your new school. Additionally, it serves as a means for the school to establish contact with your parents or guardians. If you intend to join Form Five, it is imperative to ensure that you complete the form accurately and comprehensively.

By diligently filling out the Form Five Joining Instruction Form, you will be well-prepared for your transition to Form Five, equipped with the necessary information and requirements. This will contribute to a smooth and successful integration into your new educational journey.

Please note that specific instructions and details regarding the form will be provided by your school.

Join Instruction Form Five 2023 PDF

Student Information:

  1. Full Name: ____________________________
  2. Gender: _______________________________
  3. Date of Birth: __________________________
  4. Nationality: ___________________________
  5. Address: ______________________________
  6. Contact Number: ________________________
  7. Email Address: _________________________
  8. Previous School Attended: _______________

Join Instruction Form Five 2023 PDF

Parent/Guardian Information:

  1. Father’s Name: _________________________ Occupation: ___________________________ Contact Number: _______________________
  2. Mother’s Name: ________________________ Occupation: ___________________________ Contact Number: _______________________

Emergency Contact Information:

  1. Emergency Contact Name: ________________ Relationship to Student: ________________ Contact Number: _______________________

Medical Information:

  1. Are there any medical conditions or allergies that the school should be aware of? If yes, please provide details:

Terms and Conditions: By signing this form, I acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. I confirm that all information provided on this form is true and accurate.
  2. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the school promptly of any changes to the information provided.
  3. I consent to the school administering basic first aid and seeking medical treatment for my child if necessary.
  4. I agree to abide by the school’s rules, regulations, and policies.
  5. I understand that failure to comply with the school’s requirements may result in the cancellation of my child’s enrollment.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________ Date: ______________

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________

Please complete all sections of this form and submit it to the school office before the start of the school term. The form can be downloaded from the school website or collected from the school office.

For any inquiries or assistance, please contact the school office at the following: Phone: ______________________ Email: ______________________

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you to our Form Five class for the 2023/2024 academic year.

How To Download Form five Joining Instruction 2023/2024

  • Step 1; Visit Tamisemi selform MIS system via
  • Step 2; Click on selection Results to view form five selection
  • Step 3; Once you find the school you have been selected to join, click on the name of the school and there you will be able to download the joining instruction form.

Fomu Za Kujiunga Kidato Cha Tano 2023

NOTE; Kwa sasa inaonekana kunatatizo la kimtandao katika mfumo wa TAMISEMI hivyo , kumekua na changamoto ya upakuaji wa joining instruction form. Be calm and patient as TAMISEMI resolve the issue.

  • Step 4: You can then proceed with print or save the downloaded PDF document for further studying and reference
  • Step 5: Remember to give your parents the Joining instruction as soon as you print it so that they can start prepare for all necessary staffs required for your departure arrangements!

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